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Ender 5 Plus Upgrade Paths – EZABL, EZBoard, LCD Kit

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Upgrade Paths

Many have requested a write-up on the Ender 5 Plus upgrade paths we have. Let’s go over all the upgrade paths from TH3D.

Important Note: If you wish to use our EZBoard and/or EZABL you must upgrade to the new LCD kit we have. The touch LCD is limited and closed source so we are not able to make it work as well as a traditional 12864 LCD.

  1. LCD Only – This will ditch the stock touch LCD and give you a much more feature-rich screen that has much more tweak-ability as well as updated firmware that works correctly
  2. LCD + EZABL – Same as #1 but replacing the BL Touch sensor with the EZABL Pro kit for quicker probing and more accuracy
  3. LCD + EZBoard – Same as #1 but also replacing the stock control board with our EZBoard for quicker and quieter printing
  4. LCD + EZBoard + EZABL – Same as #3 but replacing the BL Touch sensor with the EZABL Pro kit for quicker probing and more accuracy


Upgrade Path Details

LCD Only

To replace the LCD is simple. All you need is the LCD Conversion kit and an update to the printer firmware. The firmware for the stock board is on our website and uses the Unified Firmware package.

Product Links for LCD Only:
LCD Kit:



Needs the LCD kit and the EZABL Kit. The stock wiring harness on the Ender 5 Plus for the BL Touch has 5 wires. 3 go to a 3 pin header and these are not used at all. The other 2 (the black/white wire) that connect to the Z endstop can be cut (leave about 6-10 inches) and then strip the wires to connect to the Z endstop screw terminal on our EZABL Pro board. If you do not want to cut the stock wiring we have a signal wire in the shop as well.

Product Links for LCD + EZABL:
LCD Kit:
Z Signal Cable for E5 Plus:


LCD + EZBoard

In order to use the EZBoard with the Ender 5 Plus you also have to do the LCD conversion. Due to limitations with the closed source firmware on the stock touch LCD we have opted to not support it since the user experience would be terrible in comparison to the 12864LCD. To convert the machine you will need the LCD conversion kit, the EZBoard, Creality Dual Cable LCD adapter to connect the new LCD to our board, and the Dual Z Stepper Adapter.

You will retain the stock bed MOSFET as the bed pulls 16A under load and this will exceed the fuse on the EZBoard. If your mosfet failed you can replace it with our MOSFET in the shop. I had to replace ours after a few weeks as the stock one failed.

Product Links for LCD + EZBoard:
LCD Kit:
Dual Cable LCD Adapter (can addon from the EZBoard page):
Dual Z Stepper Adapter (can addon from the EZBoard page):



This conversion needs all the parts listed above in #2 (LCD + EZABL) and #3 (LCD + EZBoard).

Product Links for LCD + EZBoard + EZABL:
LCD Kit:
Dual Cable LCD Adapter (can addon from the EZBoard page):
Dual Z Stepper Adapter (can addon from the EZBoard page):
Z Signal Cable for E5 Plus:


Upgrade LiveStreams

Here are links to videos we did install upgrades on our Ender 5 Plus which has been a great machine since we upgraded it.
EZBoard Installation Stream:
EZABL and other Upgrades Stream:

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