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Creality V4.2.2, V4.2.3, V4.2.7 & V4.3.1 board BLTouch/CRTouch Wiring Options

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Creality V4.2.2, V4.2.3, V4.2.7 & V4.3.1 boards have a dedicated 5-pin header on the board that can be used for the Creality BL Touch kits. You can also use 3 of those pins and the Z endstop port if you have the 3+2 pin wiring harness. Our Unified 2 firmware is set up to use the 3+2 wiring pinout by default but there is also an option called BLTOUCH_ON_5PIN that changes the firmware to use the 5-pin header. Below are details on wiring your BL Touch to these boards with the 2 different methods. Neither method is “better” than the other, they both work the same. We recommend using the BLTOUCH on the 5 Pin Header as its easier to wire up.


Note: The CRTouch is a clone of the BLTouch and it functions identically to the original BLTouch sensor. Any guides and information about the BLTouch apply to the CRTouch and the CRTouch is setup in our firmware using the BLTouch settings.


5 Pin Header Wiring - RECOMMENED OPTION

If you are using the 5-pin header-only then plug your 5-pin BL Touch harness plug into this socket on the board. You will uncomment the BLTOUCHCUSTOM_PROBE, and BLTOUCH_ON_5PIN lines and enter your probe offsets in the CUSTOM_PROBE section.

Make sure that the wiring on your 5-pin plug matches the pinout on the board. Creality is known to wire them wrong, and this can damage your board. The header is labeled (from left to right) G, V, IN, G, OUT. Check your plug wiring per the below information:

  • Black (GND) to the G pins
    • NOTE: Sometimes blue or brown are used for ground wires
  • Red (5V) to the V pin
  • Yellow/Orange (Servo Signal) to the IN pin
  • White (ZStop Signal) to the OUT pin

If your wire colors do not match what is above then you need to refer to the sensor pinouts for each sensor linked above to determine what wires are connected to the corresponding pins on your sensor. There are 5 total pins on each sensor, they are: GND, 5V, SERVO Signal, ZStop GND, and ZStop Signal

If you are not sure about the colors on your harness, contact the place of purchase for tech support on their wiring harness.

3+2 Wiring Pinout

Screenshot from Teaching Tech BL Touch Video


Using this wiring is as simple as making the connections as shown above, uncommenting the BLTOUCH and CUSTOM_PROBE lines, and entering in your probe offsets in the CUSTOM_PROBE section. If you are using the Creality Metal BL Touch bracket the offsets are in our help center article.


If you are not sure about the colors on your harness, contact the place of purchase for tech support on their wiring harness.

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