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Creality CR-10 and CR-10S Models – What Printer do you have?

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Confusing Model Names

This guide applies to the “original” CR-10 and CR-10S series machines. This does NOT apply to the CR-10 V2, CR-10 V3, CR-10S Pro, or CR-10 Max. Those printers were all released after the original CR-10/CR-10S models.


Why Creality chose to keep the same model numbers is a mystery to us. It is important to realize that those 4 models listed above are completely different printer models. These models use different boards and other parts compared to the original CR-10/CR-10S series.


Please make sure you know what printer you have. There are 8 DIFFERENT models from Creality. There are 2 different boards across these models. The easiest way to identify what one you have is if it has a filament sensor or not. If it does then you have a CR-10S machine. If it does not then it is a CR-10.


Just because you have a CR-10 S4 or CR-10 S5 that does NOT make it a CR-10S.


The S4 and S5 sizes come available with either board versions. Again the main way to tell is if you have a filament sensor from Creality or not. Whether you have Dual Z or not does NOT matter. What matters is what board is in the enclosure.


The CR-10S Pro is NOT the same model or family as the CR-10 or CR-10S series. This is a completely different machine and this guide does not apply to the CR-10S Pro.


Typically every CR-10S board came with a filament sensor. So if you don’t have a filament sensor then it is the CR-10 and you need to use the CR-10 firmware. However, we have seen some CR-10 Mini machines ship with CR-10S boards. Use the below pictures of the boards that are in the wild to identify what model you have. The important thing is to use the correct firmware for the board that is in your machine.


Also, the bootloader is ONLY required on the CR-10 board. DO NOT flash the bootloader on the CR-10S board as you may damage it or prevent it from booting. Our included support does not cover helping you fix this because you failed to make sure you knew what printer you have.

If you accidentally flashed the bootloader on the CR-10S board to recover from that you will need to flash it again only selecting the MEGA 2560 as the board instead of the Sanguino/1284p. Then flash the firmware over USB.


Creality CR-10 Models:

  • CR-10
  • CR-10 Mini
  • CR-10 S4
  • CR-10 S5

Creality CR-10S Models:

  • CR-10S
  • CR-10S Mini
  • CR-10S S4
  • CR-10S S5

Hopefully, this clears some things up and helps you identify what printer you own.


Board Pictures

CR-10 Boards – (notice the small Atmel 1284p Chip):

Note there are “V1.1.3” & “V1.1.4” boards. These are the same as the V1.1.2 just with a filter capacitor installed. “V1.1.4” also has a CH340 USB to serial instead of the FT232R chip. They use the same firmware as the CR-10.

V1.1.5 – The V1.1.5 is the same as the V1.1.4 but typically has TMC2208 drivers installed and the PCB is black.


CR-10S Boards – (notice the large Atmel 2560 Chip):

Note there are “V2.1” & “V2.2” boards and they are the same as the V2.0 just with a few extra fan ports. It uses the same firmware as the CR-10S.


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